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Bristol’s Trinity Community Arts joins SOPA & PIPA protest

Our friends at Trinity Community Arts today joined in with the protest being staged in the USA against SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) (news passim).

Trinity supported the protest by adding the pop-up in the screenshot below, thus blocking access to their site.

screenshot of Bristol's Trinity Community Arts protest against SOPA
Bristol's Trinity Community Arts protests against SOPA. Click on the image for the full size version.

The text on the pop-up reads:

Imagine a world without free knowledge

The US government are currently considering legislation (SOPA/PIPA) that will give them almost absolute power over the internet and its content.

Already UK citizens can be extradited to the US for activities that are not illegal in the UK, because the US controls some of the technical infrastructure of the internet.

Today we are joining thousands of websites across the internet that are going on strike to protest against unwarranted US government control of the internet, and to raise awareness around this issue.

You can find out more here or here, or by checking out Wikipedia



One Response to Bristol’s Trinity Community Arts joins SOPA & PIPA protest

  1. MJ Ray January 19, 2012 at 9:43 am #

    It’s a good idea to protest but it’s self-harm and self-defeating to go offline, as I described in