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Dear Mr Grundy…

Below is an email we’ve sent today to a Mr Eddie Grundy, of Keeper’s Cottage, Ambridge, Borsetshire.

Bristol Wireless' new assistant network engineer

Dear Mr Grundy

You might have noticed that one of your ferrets is missing; from your Twitter feed we reckon his name just might be Brooklyn. We haven’t kidnapped him (honestly) and decided to join us quite voluntarily (although it might just have had something to do with the trail of food leading from his pen to the back of our van… Ed.).

Anyway, we’re just writing to let you know that Brooklyn is alive and well and is being well looked after by our newly appointed volunteer ferret manager/trainer, Michael.

Brooklyn has already shown his worth running Cat5 cable as he’s much thinner than our Rich and fits down the ducting better. 🙂 This has saved us lots of time on cabling jobs as he whizzes through the ducting and can get into odd spots that normally give us ageing geeks gyp. We can see he’s a bright ferret and we’re hoping to train him further, including how to wire up and crimp the ends onto Cat5.

Please rest assured that Brooklyn will be back with you shortly and, as a token of our appreciation, he’ll be returning to Keeper’s Cottage accompanied by 20 litres of finest Somerset artisan cider from some good friends of ours for you and Joe to enjoy.

Kind regards and thanks for your understanding
Bristol Wireless

PS: We’ve heard of a critter called Fibre the Dog, but he’s not half as good a worker as Brooklyn. 😉

2 Responses to Dear Mr Grundy…

  1. Llanos April 1, 2011 at 10:06 pm #

    Hahahaha, so to help “ageing geeks” eh!! Funny.

    Still my favourite April’s Fool ever was the new protocols one. Wireless cider transmission protocol (WCTP), unix to unix beer protocol (UUBP), hahahaha, I’m still laughing.

  2. Llanos April 1, 2011 at 10:19 pm #

    Sorry, forgot the link: