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Google says no more Microsoft

Late yesterday evening, the Financial Times (the sporting pink for the casino economy. Ed. 😉 ) reported that search engine giant Google is phasing out the use of Microsoft’s Windows platform for its employees.

The policy has been gradually implemented since January, when Google’s Chinese operations were hacked, which Google blames on the lack of security and vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system and other Microsoft software (e.g. Internet Explorer).

Unlike many employers, Google actually allows its staff, of whom it employs 10,000 internationally, a choice of operating systems. These will henceforth be just Linux or Mac OS. “Linux is open source and we feel good about it,” said one employee. “Microsoft we don’t feel so good about.”

Employees wanting to stay on Windows will require clearance from “quite senior levels”, according to one employee, whilst another declared, “Getting a new Windows machine now requires CIO approval”.

Read the original FT article.

2 Responses to Google says no more Microsoft

  1. ReCheck June 5, 2010 at 10:56 pm #

    hi, does not matter wot O/S they use they TAKE AND STORE/SCAN EVERY SEARCH AND GMAIL..
    they also steal your unsecured wifi data .. when they are meant to be taking street photos..
    o we didnt mean to they say.. ummm now cameras seem to pick up and store wifi???? dont you need special equipment…

    heres just 1 link but go and find more just to be sure yourself..

    • woodsy June 8, 2010 at 1:18 pm #

      Hi ReCheck & thanks for your comment, from which it’s quite obvious you are not a fan of Mountain View’s finest. 🙂

      Other search engines are available and if privacy is your main concern, I recommend you have a look at ixquick. As you can see, your searches are done over a secure connection. In addition, ixquick doesn’t collect/store your IP address and you can also use the site’s built-in proxy server for checking out search results. You can see what ixquick search plugins are available for browsers by following this link.