Tonight 23 March Community IT Festival meeting
Tonight at 6.30 there will be an IRC meeting to discuss the Community IT festival. The lab has 6 terminals for people to use if you don’t have a connection at home and there’s the Chelsea with 2 machines too. If you don’t know how to use IRC – a good tutorial can be found on
Start of #clan buffer: Tue Mar 23 20:01:58 2004
*** Now talking in #clan.
*** Topic of #clan: Got 10 minutes to spare – write something for the Action Plan |
*** Set by matt 15742 minutes ago
*** Users on #clan: _andylaurence|DI tallpaul_lab phil ianc matt bails ian rich_lab sean_home BenG @bristolwireless @oniryx
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode for channel #clan is "+"
*** Channel #clan was created at Wed Jan 14 14:08:13 2004
*** Join to #clan completed in 0 seconds.
*** _andylaurence|DI is now known as andylaurence
*** Signoff: tallpaul_lab (Client Quit)
<matt> i thought it was a irc meeting
<rich_lab> it matt
<rich_lab> it is matt
<rich_lab> is sean_home about
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*** Signoff: phil (Remote closed the connection)
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<matt> room for one more it seems
<matt> we expecting anymore people ?
<bengreen> sean_home, are you here
<bengreen> ?
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<rich_lab> π
<bengreen> yeah sean_home
<rich_lab> who’s cider?
<matt> hes allready here tho
*** cider is now known as sean_pub
<matt> thats it i guess
<sean_pub> hi all
<matt> server still limited to 15 according to the motd
<matt> so no more can get on ?
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<rich_lab> whos root
<matt> ok that shoots that theory .. guess the motd is outta date
*** Signoff: root (Client Quit)
<bengreen> bring us a pint sean_pub
<sean_pub> i thought you drank wine
<bengreen> yeah, a pint please
<sean_pub> π
*** jim ( has joined channel #clan
<bengreen> hi jim
<sean_pub> how does this work then, do we have an agenda
<jim> Hello all
<jim> I was root
<matt> how odd .. server still says 15max on connect too
<sean_pub> hi Jim (farand?)
<matt> yet theres 14 in here and 2 in psand
<jim> yes
<sean_pub> is bristolwireless a bot of some sort
<matt> nope just a screened bitchx session
<bristolwireless> =)
<sean_pub> running where?
<matt> ecc
<ian> bails? any luck with Remote access
<ian> jim – are you into self perpetuating energy devices?
<ian> have you heard of victor shauberger
<jim> who?
<sean_pub> I’ve provisionally booked the ECC for a Bristol Wireless Social event fot June 5th 9 to 5 fro 200 quid
<sean_pub> hardeep said we could probably get a discount though
<jim> what are self perpetuating etc.
<sean_pub> if we talked to Vernon
<sean_pub> I thought we could spend an hour and a half setting up,testing etc.and then open up at about 10,30 till 4
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<sean_pub> spend the last hour clearing up
<matt> sounds good sean_pub
*** bails ( has joined channel #clan
<ian> sorry jim i thought you were into banger racing and gyrocopters
<matt> are there any projectors at ecc ?
<ian> but was t andy lawrence
<sean_pub> projectors are definitely gettable – I know of several resource banks that willlet us have them if ECC don’t
<matt> sounds good π
<jim> I have been offered a data projector from a friend at UWE
<sean_pub> what did you want to do with them
<bails> ian: dial-in is working
<matt> not s
ure yet sean_pub .. project video or something from the park or somewhere
<ian> hi bails – have you had a good day?
<bails> ian there’ll having a meeting speak to you later
<sean_pub> we need toknow what sort of stuff we are going to do fairly quickly so we can publicise and promote
<sean_pub> so far we’ve got bails’ video wall,if it’s techniaclly doable
<matt> im not sure but a mobile camera would be nice
<matt> im sure rob or someone would lend us a firewire camera to use
<sean_pub> got a url exampleof what you’re looking for
<matt> ?
<bails> sean_pub: how much time do we have??
<matt> how do u mean sean_pub ?
<sean_pub> June 5th
<bails> OK
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<sean_pub> thumbs up ben π
<matt> well just have the projector on a machien in the lobby
<matt> and showing a video stream from a mobile camera or something
<matt> would need a projector + firewire camera
<andylaurence> matt: that’s great, but what about other video content? We’d run out of bandwidth!
<matt> well its only one client connecting to the mobile laptop
<matt> just do a 2mbit stream or something .. will be decent quality
<matt> and bandwidth to spare
<andylaurence> yeah, but you’re looking at a large stream for that – matt: 2Mbps maybe?
<sean_pub> re: key stage in BW project development, – do you think this is advisable, currently we have very little network content, will we produce enough to demo what the network is capable,or just tasters
<matt> leaves us with 3 odd for other things
<matt> can allways stick in a extra ap in ecc for the day
<matt> well it is what the network is capable of really
<matt> those things are a
wful quality and very expensive
<sean_pub> I suppose it is a key stage just feel we have very little time
<matt> 350quid odd for that one aint it bails ?
<sean_pub> or maybe that’sjust me
<andylaurence> sean_pub: we’ve not asked for people to create content yet, but I’m sure we’d get a good response
<bengreen> Let us begin the meeting proper
<andylaurence> agenda?
<sean_pub> ok, is this the agenda then –>topic
<sean_pub> who is cahiring
<sean_pub> chairing
<bengreen> I will
<andylaurence> thanks for volunteering sean π
*** matt has changed the topic on channel #clan to Look here: π
<matt> whoops
<matt> helps if i type in the right box π
*** bengreen has changed the topic on channel #clan to Look here: :)
*** matt has changed the topic on channel #clan to Look here:
<bengreen> can we have an agenda then
<bails> matt: £212.16 SQUID
<matt> i still think for the demo a mobile camera with sound .. and a seperate mobile radio sorta thing
<ianc> channelone (rob and shawn at eca) are planning to make a video of the demofestday. they will also be providing some video content
<andylaurence> matt: what would we video?
<matt> im not sure andylaurence π
<bengreen> agenda points please
<sean_pub> I think we can think of lots of ways to deliver content so our main problem at the moment is going to be generating it, so obtaining content should be number 1 item on the agenda
<tallpaul_lab> content
<bengreen> type them now
<matt> anything really .. show its possible .. im sure cz0 can come up with some nice ideas
<tallpaul_lab> publicity
<tallpaul_lab> collaboration
<sean_pub> food
<sean_pub> of course
l_lab> trechnicals
<ianc> inviting the press
<rich_lab> theres some bs5 stuff and the living easton too
<sean_pub> tallpaul_lab: what are trechnicals
<tallpaul_lab> technicals
<sean_pub> π
<bails> not technovals? π
<bengreen> content
<bengreen> publicity
<bengreen> collaboration
<bengreen> food
<bengreen> technicals
<bengreen> inviting the press
<ianc> something happening in the park? in the street? mobility demo
<bengreen> let’s start with content
<sean_pub> I think bails should do thecatering, he made such a good job of the xmas party
<bengreen> seconded
<matt> thats what im trying to get at ianc
<tallpaul_lab> order
<sean_pub> content then
<sean_pub> who do ask tocontribute and how?
<bengreen> O have asked a few people already
<bengreen> I
<tallpaul_lab> structure thereof
<matt> how do you mean, what sort of content
<matt> live stuff .. stuff people can send in and we stick in a archive ?
<rich_lab> floor map for stalls
<sean_pub> an open leter to the creative communities of bristol?
<andylaurence> sean_home: yes!
<ianc> we need some good samples repreesenting broad interests
<matt> define content
<tallpaul_lab> yeah radio, video ,live prerecorded
<andylaurence> When shall we send out requests for content – who wants to take responsibility?
<matt> well i think we should have 2 teams .. one going round streaming live vid .. one just doing audio
<sean_pub> art, flash stuff for our network, the underscore crowd have tons of stuff they might donate for the day or permannetly
<matt> for the live side of things
<ianc> lets not try to pull too many content strings
<tallpaul_lab> I think we sh
ould specifically target requests
<matt> my question is how are you going to distribute this content ? just have a row of terminals for people to come and sit and use
<matt> the archived stuff i mean
<matt> art/flash etc
<matt> how are ‘we’ even
<andylaurence> matt: video wall, and a multicast open to all?
<tallpaul_lab> we had some ideas about distro inb the the last meeting
<tallpaul_lab> doing stuff in chealsea, in the park etc
<sean_pub> wallprojector – see if we can borrow some smart whiteboards?
<matt> so say we hav a projector showing the live stuff in one room
<matt> comp with speakers n stuff playing the audio live stuff
<matt> in lobby or somewhere
<matt> and row of termianls for general browsing ?
<sean_pub> for 200 quid we’ve got he lobby/foyer as wellI expect
<bengreen> Tony Gosling – He has lots of videos we can show, and more we can get permission for
<bengreen> The Cube – Mike Tonks can help us get stuff on VHS free to show
<bengreen> Banana – Director of ‘Black Tiger’ has given us permission to show it
<bengreen> Cz0 – Rob has given us permission to show that
* sean_pub goes to the bar
<tallpaul_lab> theres an open film night at the cube – might be good for video
<matt> bengreen, but how are we going to show it
<rich_lab> get me one sean_pub
<ianc> content is wide ranging, multifaceted, knows no bounds. we are limited by technical and admin factors
* bails thinkds sean should buy a round
<matt> if we setup some sort of small local webbased archives page that people can browse through
<matt> and play/listen to
<matt> for the line of terminals .. and people can do what they like with that
<matt> and then one or 2 big displays of the live stuff ?
* sean_pub would have bought a round but there is no
-one else in the chelsea
<sean_pub> luckily
<matt> wont take us long to get their sean_pub.
<bails> lol
<sean_pub> oh god, ian bone’s just walked in
<bails> quick pretend you dont know him π
<bails> DONT ask him for content
<andylaurence> matt: I think we should only do live streams rather than on demand – we may have large numbers of people, and we don’t want the network beiong swaamped
<matt> yep
<bails> I agree
<matt> but the terminals would be wired anyway
<matt> just showing sorta web based content
<bails> what’s up with multicast on the terminals
<bengreen> I think we can get away with some on demand content
<matt> yep
<bengreen> especailly audio but some video
<matt> well only thing that really does multicast is videolan
<andylaurence> matt: point taken with the terminals, but if others connect via wireless…..
<bails> bengreen: did you ever get vlanclient sorted
<matt> and its a bit flakey
<ianc> can we raise a budget for the event???
<matt> it should be fine andylaurence
<andylaurence> I thought multicasting was sorted now?
<matt> cant see it using much bandwidth
<rich_lab> we have the budget
<bails> matt have you tried to use mplayer as the client
<sean_pub> ok then, I still think we ought to send one openletter to underscore, there are some very cool symapthetic developers on that list –
<matt> for playing multicast streams bails ?
<bails> yeh
<matt> not yet
<matt> might hav a go
<sean_pub> does content include gaming
<bengreen> yes
<sean_pub> a 4 machine gaming lan would be cool for kids
<sean_pub> maybe even a tourney
<bengreen> pick it up and run with it then
<sean_pub> don’t we have some serious gamers subscribed to the list vased
in Bishopton
<sean_pub> based
<andylaurence> sean_pub: serious techies, but not sure about gaming
<sean_pub> I can do civ, but I’d struggle with the first person shootemups
<bails> multiplayer solitaire just dont work for me
<ianc> we should decide on several content elements and then the tasks can be assigned as ‘projects’
<bengreen> cool
<matt> will the ecc training room be open ?
<bails> nice idea ianc
<matt> im guessing nigel will want it open ?
<andylaurence> multiplayer gaming would be a big plus, but we need a quick game that people can join/leave whenever, and how do we build enough (fast enough) terminals?
<bails> and ‘staffed’ i guess
<matt> thats why i was asking about the training room
<ianc> how about we get propsals in?
<matt> crap gfx but good cpu’s .. bit of quake or ut in linux
<matt> should work
<bengreen> i reckon
<andylaurence> sounds good
<bengreen> there are boot distro’s for auto gameserver config
<bengreen> okay, lets type some possible project headings then
<bengreen> GAMING
<bengreen> VIDEO STREAM
<tallpaul_lab> RADIO
<bengreen> NOTICEBOARD
<bengreen> CHAT CLIENT
<andylaurence> SLIDESHOWS
<rich_lab> i9 sead that
<andylaurence> translation: "I said that" π
<matt> bengreen, it wouldnt take that long to install quake or ut on the suse in the training room
<bengreen> true
<ianc> NON commercial adverts
<tallpaul_lab> is that a contradiction in terms
<ianc> no
*** Signoff: sean_pub (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<tallpaul_lab> maybe seans fallen under the table
<bails> ianc: what do you mean like educational/health commercials?
<andylaurence> beer + keyboard = ping timeout ?
<ianc> yeah, kinda…
<ianc> noticeboard covers ads real
* bails thinks ian bone started talking to sean
*** CTCP: tallpaul_lab pinged you.
*** sean_pub ( has joined channel #clan
<matt> welcome back sean_pub
<sean_pub> hmm
<sean_pub> wa’happen
<andylaurence> com ?
<bengreen> while everyone thinks about which bit of content headings they would be interested in getting involved in, let’s move onto the next agenda point
*** CTCP: tallpaul_lab pinged you.
<tallpaul_lab> structure of content:?
<tallpaul_lab> how much, live vs archived, out and about
<ianc> we have to work in the timescale
<ianc> we also need to make sure it works pref a month before, so testing is important particularly at the receiving end
<tallpaul_lab> and fit it round other stuff in the day
<andylaurence> OK, shall we fix a deadline for content, and a deadline for testing ?
<bengreen> yes
<andylaurence> how about content by 30th April, testing by 5th May?
<ianc> its goota do wopt it sez on the tin!
<bengreen> 1 month before = may 5th
<sean_pub> … and live content?
<tallpaul_lab> we can do bothat the same time as long as we have some materia lfor testing
<matt> well we can test the live content setup ..
<matt> and in theory things should go ok on the day
<andylaurence> sean_home: Will the live content be old content broadcasted live?
<matt> well i was thinking it would be literally live .. mobile camera
<bengreen> tallpaul_lab, suggests a roving microphone
<bails> and camera
<sean_pub> and a DJ?
<matt> yep that too
<matt> said it up there somewhere ^
<tallpaul_lab> yeah linked to studio
<sean_pub> of course I’m too old to understand any of that
<bails> maybe get one of the pirates to do a live set
<tallpaul_lab> presenters way more important
<ianc> chann
elzero are planning to make a video for HTV of the event!!
<bengreen> okay, can we move on to the next agenda point now
<sean_pub> and dialect, they should be involved
<bengreen> PUBLICITY
<sean_pub> live broadscast from the event
<matt> real pirates ? does ecc insurance cover walking the plank π
<rich_lab> LOL
<sean_pub> Dik and Roger have just arrived I’m not going to be able to participate much longer
<andylaurence> matt: you are insane AICMFP!
<bails> matt: only if they paid in peices of eight
<matt> dare i ask what AICMFP is ?
<andylaurence> And I CLaim My Five Pounds
<tallpaul_lab> gone up a bit
<sean_pub> and now Ian is here too
<bails> oh no
<rich_lab> π
<sean_pub> and he hasn’t logged off either
<matt> hmm
<matt> why cant u participate much longer ?
<bengreen> okay PUBLICITY
<matt> flyers again ?
<sean_pub> people to drink with π
<andylaurence> Front-end designer required – apply within
<sean_pub> star fm
<matt> i said it wouldnt take long for them to get there sean_pub π
<bails> sean_pub: pretty good excuse for hilary π
<sean_pub> send flyers to mailing lists like voscur
<tallpaul_lab> Well I can maybe do it as part of woprk placement
<andylaurence> mailout to local papers, and media companies (BBC, HTV, Evenoing post, etc)
<matt> yep
<tallpaul_lab> + local community groups etc
<matt> so media coverage + flyers both on paper + mail list
<tallpaul_lab> + mailing lists
<andylaurence> local mailing list posts
<sean_pub> tallpaul_lab: palcements are nearly sorted, callme tomorrow and we have a chat
<bengreen> okay, we have ideas for publicity
<bengreen> let’s move on
<bengreen> COLLABORATION – who do we invite to work with us
<matt> well cz0,
any of the other ecc based projects ?
<tallpaul_lab> we should target it specifically
<tallpaul_lab> like iniviting films of this length in this format form blue scereen at cube
<sean_pub> dialect
<bengreen> we need to choose carefully
<sean_pub> I’ll tell them you said that
<rich_lab> we need to build channels
<rich_lab> lets invite a few peeps and see what turns up
<bengreen> sean_pub, that wasn’t specifically to do with dialect
<sean_pub> π
<ianc> it would be good if other groups show their support. we could let them put some of their publicity into it, but its really BWs day
*** Signoff: sean_pub ("Client Exiting")
*** CTCP: tallpaul_lab pinged you.
<bengreen> we can carry this on on the BBS, next FOOD
<andylaurence> are we providing it?
<rich_lab> lets put it to the list for caters
<ianc> if they dont charge too much
<ianc> from the eca?
<bengreen> punters pay
<bengreen> moving on, TECHNICALS – who will get the content on the site?
<andylaurence> Firstly, what do we need? Secondly, what works, and what doesn’t?
<bengreen> WE NEED…
<bengreen> files on server
<bengreen> server
<andylaurence> Audio/Video multicasting – does it work
<tallpaul_lab> streamng server
<matt> not to the level id like to use it for a demo andylaurence
<andylaurence> matt: what’s not working?
<bengreen> equipment – mics, video hardware
<matt> multicast .. works but flakey
<rich_lab> matt, we could use yr mac π
<bengreen> matt, we need to do more experiments
<tallpaul_lab> mixing desk, decks 2XCD
<tallpaul_lab> +computer inputs
<bengreen> matt, we need to get those video streams on the internal network for tests
<andylaurence> mic & video camera for roaming
<bengreen> that’s a lot of equipment
<bengreen> can we get it?
<matt> would kev be up for doing anything rich_lab?
<matt> or were u thinking more of letting people av a go tallpaul_lab ?
<rich_lab> yea, dj 4 sure
<tallpaul_lab> yeah and access to mike
<bengreen> video encoding hardware
<tallpaul_lab> Its only a very basic studio setup for live stuff#
<matt> all expensive kit people will be protective about
<tallpaul_lab> well you can get away with consumer stuff
<matt> ?
<tallpaul_lab> cheap cd – my old station nothing cost more than 50p
<matt> ive got a old dj mixer if thats anyuse .. bit crap
<bails> i have another
<bails> crap one
<andylaurence> roaming video probably not practical – requires wireless transmission. Either wireless connected encoder, or wireless transmitter to encoder on the network.
<matt> i use mine to save having to change input on me hifi amp .. im lazy :p
<tallpaul_lab> really need to be a decent mimng dsek -not a huge one
<matt> well roaming vid aint that hard
<tallpaul_lab> there is one at ECC that nigel has
<matt> was just gunna whack firewire cam into me mac
<tallpaul_lab> yeah but structuring content is harder
<andylaurence> matt: would your mac encode on the fly?
<matt> yeah
<matt> i was gunna take it down the ecc and give it a try sometime soon .. i was speaking to rob about it
<andylaurence> ahhh, sorted then – backpack with laptop in it, and an antenna to hold in the hand, plus cameraman a short cable away π
<matt> yep
<matt> π
<andylaurence> only within range though – must map where is within range before the event
<andylaurence> π
<matt> yeah was gunna do it no external antennas ..
<ianc> testing should be a laugh
<bengreen> okay if we are up for cloding up the meeting soon…
<tallpaul_lab> a
ny actions from all this???
<bengreen> AOB?
<tallpaul_lab> installfest?
<bengreen> we need to talk to BaBLUG
<ianc> info on the day… using the event to explain the project, preparation of all this stuff
<bails> free ‘bristolwireless’ stickers
<bails> 4 the kids
<bengreen> okay, that’s too much for this meeting to discuss all that stuff
<tallpaul_lab> baloons
<bails> they get everywhere
<bengreen> baboons
<bengreen> can we have some ACTION POINTS please
<bails> maybe rock will hold off for W-s-M-wireless π
<tallpaul_lab> who is gonna ne responsible for what
<andylaurence> What are the tasks? List them, and someone can volunteer?
<bengreen> I will get some streams up on REDRAK and test vlc more
<rich_lab> LOL bails
<tallpaul_lab> content areas?
<bengreen> GAMING
<bengreen> VIDEO STREAM
<bengreen> RADIO
<bengreen> NOTICEBOARD
<bengreen> CHAT CLIENT
<bengreen> SLIDESHOWS
<bengreen> who wants to take these on?
<tallpaul_lab> SERVERSIDE?
<andylaurence> well done ben – volunteers?
<andylaurence> I’ll take slideshows
<bails> damn andylaurence grabbed the easy one
<bails> I’ll stick with the video-wall ting
<tallpaul_lab> I’ll do radio
<bengreen> web server
<bengreen> video streaming server
<bengreen> audio streaming server
<ianc> the demo day is going to bring to the front awhole load of issues about how it could develop continuity.
<andylaurence> FRONT END
<tallpaul_lab> Live frontend?
<tallpaul_lab> as in continuity
<andylaurence> surely that’s just a link from the main web page?
<ianc> one thing is certain, if this is successful it will bring on a whole load more stuff to do
gt; if we are doing live content we need to structure in someway
<bengreen> we are expecting this to generate content, and proof of concept needs to be the bottom line, then content on top if we can manage it
<ianc> raising awareness, generating interest and more support
<bengreen> Let’s get some agenda point together for the next (Content Development) meeting
<bengreen> let’s pull this together and sign off
<bengreen> disorder reigns in the lab, with everyone leaving there keyboards
<tallpaul_lab> how long do we think the day is gonig to be?
<bails> is rich_lab stillthere?
<bengreen> yes he is
<rich_lab> yea bails
<bengreen> okay everyone take a look at
<bengreen> meeting closed
<bails> r u coming to help me with the ‘livnug willow fence’ 2morra
<tallpaul_lab> are we going to the pub?
End of #clan buffer: Tue Mar 23 20:01:58 2004
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