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Our man in London writes

Richard Higgs reports:

“Sam Rossiter, Mike Harris of Psand and myself went to the Emirates Stadium for the second ICT Hub National Conference with about 270 reps from the voluntary sector. The day was organised into workshops and presentations for various levels of ICT skills. Some of the speakers were there to promote open source, including East of England FOSS, who did a good job of describing their training and circuit riding activities.

“Matthew Edmundson from the ICT Hub lead a session making the most of your ICT budget. He invited Bristol Wireless and Psand to talk about the OSS they use on a day-to-day basis. Sam talked about LTSP and Mike spoke about his professional web services, CMS and open source hosting, whilst I talked about VoIP and some of the pitfalls. The session was well received, we managed to promote the aims and goals of Bristol Wireless. I’m sure we will be contacted for some work. One of the delegates remarked this session was ‘the best session all day’.

“The day finished with wine and awards; Bristol Wireless got a special mention :). We went for a beer with the organisers for an hour after the event. They all seemed very pleased with the turn out. Nicola, the Head of the ICT Hub was wearing a Tux badge all day.”