Wi-Fi at the Count’s Louse*
News arrives from Bristol City Council that a state-of-the-art Wi-Fi network has been installed to give partial Wi-Fi coverage of The Council House on College Green.
The network will allow anyone attending a meeting or event in the building’s committee rooms, Council Chamber and Conference Hall to call up agendas, reports and other background materials on laptops other wireless devices.
In addition, there’s now a wireless hotspot in the building’s foyer and other public areas that anyone visiting the offices can use.
The new network consists of 17 radio nodes placed in the main committee rooms and the foyer area. Each node offers 54 Megabits per second (Mbps) capacity, allowing secure wireless access for authorised users of the Council’s internal Virtual Private Network (VPN), as well as open internet access Cityspace’s StreetNet service, which already provides free internet access for web users in the surrounding city centre area.
For more details see the full council press release.
Author’s note: A rendition of ‘Council House’ in the local vernacular – more details here.