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A shower of tech over Bristol? Must be April’s Dorkbot

News arrives in yer ‘umble scribe’s inbox from Bristol Dorkbot organisers Mike and Rachel (must be that time of the month again. Ed.), who write:

Hello everyone,

As you probably have heard, the next Dorkbot encounter is taking place on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 7:00pm – 10:00pm at the Pervasive Media Studio, Anchor Square, Bristol (map here).

If you’re going to be coming, then please sign up, so that we can keep track of numbers for providing the drinks.

Also, it would be great to post some of the things that’ll be being shown and happening at the next one up on the web, the flyer and this very list; so if you’re bringing something to show then please email us back with a short paragraph of what it is, a link, and a picture if you have one. Thanks.

Other than that, look forward to seeing you there,

Mike & Rachel