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Green ICT surgeries at Voscur

Voscur logoVoscur, Bristol’s umbrella organisation for the voluntary and community sectors, recently announced it will be organising green ICT surgeries. They’re to be held between 2.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. on both Thursday 25 February 2010 and Monday 1 March 2010 on at The CREATE Centre, Smeaton Road, Bristol, BS1 6XN (map).

Voscur’s website states:

Voscur would like to help members tackle their negative impact on the environment, which seems to be an inevitable part of running a modern office or organisation.

We are running surgeries for up to 5 organisations at a time to introduce members to the Bristol Green ICT community developing around the the Green Bristol ICT website.

The surgery will cover:

  • What’s available on the website and how to use it;
  • How to utilise the database tool of Green ICT activities to inform and develop a Green ICT strategy for your organisation.

By the end of the surgery you will have drawn up a list of actions to improve your organisation’s carbon footprint. Voscur will then help you monitor.

This event is for representatives of organisations who want to reduce expenditure on running an office and contribute to Bristol’s Green Capital project, and improve the environment for all in the city.

Full details, including booking, are on the Voscur website.