Lab report
It’s a busy day in the lab today…
Michael, our volunteer co-ordinator, and Rich have been having a meeting for the last hour or so with Volunteering Bristol to examine ways in which we can improve and enhance our use of our existing volunteers and new ones (we always welcome new blood. Ed. See news passim).
Adelayde has been tweaking our updated WordPress install and making sure the chief scribe is content with the results; if you were unlucky enough to experience some weirdness with the site an hour or so ago, that’s the reason.
Jim’s handling our sales of spare hardware, as we’re having a bit of a clear-out of old components at present to make a bit more room in the lab, as well as provide some cash to bring a smile to Mr Treasurer’s face.
Meanwhile Mr Treasurer himself is doing his usual sterling job with the co-op’s funds and in an hour or so, Rich, Adelayde and yours truly are off to a CiviCrm user group meeting being organised by Circle Interactive.