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UKgov releases IT strategy in Open Document Format on Document Freedom Day

Today is Document Freedom Day, an annual event that aims to educate the public about the importance of free document formats and open standards in general.

DFD banner

Here in the Bristol Wireless lab, we’ve been telling visitors about why open standards and free document formats are important, such as avoiding the pitfalls of proprietary formats and vendor-lock-in.

Elsewhere, we note that today is the day that the Cabinet Office has chosen to announce the Government’s IT strategy, which sets great store on the use of open standards. Indeed, kudos is due to the Cabinet Office, which has also released the strategy in Open Document Text (odt) format.

This is the first instance of which we’re aware that the Government has released a document in Open Document Format – unless you know otherwise, of course, in which case, please correct this misapprehension in the comments below.

2 Responses to UKgov releases IT strategy in Open Document Format on Document Freedom Day

  1. Pete H@ March 30, 2011 at 3:40 pm #

    WOW !
    Do they really mean that “Open Standards will be mandatory” in the same sense that we do?

    • woodsy March 30, 2011 at 3:53 pm #

      Hi Pete

      We shall have to wait and see on that one! 😉

      I know there are quite a few folk who are keeping up the pressure on HMG to make it a reality.