Book your place for BarnCamp 2011

Yesterday, adelayde posted the following email to the Hacktionlab mailing list.
Hi all,
Am very pleased to announce that the booking system is now on-line at:
If you’re intending to come please get on over there and book as soon as possible to secure your place. There are limited places this year as there were last year.
The cost this year is £30, rising to £35 on the gate. Please pay in advance as it helps to pay for all the stuff we have to buy up front. More details about how to do this on the registration page and also on the wiki at:
And do pass the message on to any groups or friend you think might be interested in coming. The main page is at:
And there’s a lovely flyer you can print out and post up in your window at:
Any questions about booking and payment this year, please email barncamp2011 (at)