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Coming soon: Knowle West T party… with scones!

Earlier today, our friends at Knowle West Media Centre announced the forthcoming Knowle West T Party on 26th September at the Media Centre itself on Leinster Avenue (map). The event starts at 1.00 p.m. and ends at 3.00 p.m and attendance is free.

The strapline for the T Party is ‘Keeping in Touch with Technology’ and will provide training in using Twitter and texts (what you’d know better as SMS. Ed. 😉 ) to share local news on the local Knowle West community website.

To quote the event publicity:

This event will also give you the chance to find out about the Keeping in Touch project, which has been looking at how people can use their mobiles to strengthen their communities. We’ve been talking to people in Knowle West and further afield, looking for relevant ideas that are useful easy to try out. We will be sharing these ideas over the next few months. Come along and try something new!

For more information contact Makala or Rachel at Knowle West Media Centre on 0117 903 0444 or visit

Finally, the event also features another T: a free afternoon tea, with scones.

You can register for the event at Eventbrite.