A visit from Linux Format
Yesterday the lab received a visit from Jon Roberts, a journalist from Future Publishing‘s Linux Format magazine. Linux Format’s strapline is ‘The #1 source for Linux’ and is also known as LXF. According to the latest ABC figures, LXF has a circulation 25,000 copies per issue.
After a round of introductions and a cup of Bristol Wireless coffee, Jon then proceeded to interview the assembled volunteers, starting with the origins of Bristol Wireless when we were making home-made kit and rescuing hardware from skips, through to the present, as well as looking forward to our 10th anniversary next year and beyond, and covering the full range of our activities and services (including LTSP suites, event ICT and refurbished machines). Jon also took a load of photos of both volunteers and our hardware, both old-school and modern.
Anyway, if you’re reading this Jon, it was a pleasure for us all to meet you yesterday. We’re also sure all our regular volunteers will be buying a copy of the next but one issue, in which Jon’s piece will be published; make sure you grab one too! And not just for the BW article either; there’s plenty of other open source goodness in LXF! 🙂
How often is it published? Could you remind us when it appears, please?
Linux Format is published monthly and the issue featuring ourselves will be out in either 2 or 3 months time.