Another occasional lab report
Your correspondent arrived at the lab last Friday to find there was – initially at least – nowhere to sit down. We had a full complement of volunteers present – both old and new – and a couple of customers too.
Looking at our volunteers, I’d like to draw your attention to 2 of them. Firstly, there’s Michael. Michael has been volunteering for us off and on (as his employment and financial commitments permit. Ed.) since the days when the lab was in Bannerman Road in Easton. It’s grand to see you back Michael. 🙂
The other volunteer I’d mention is Chris, who’s currently studying Cisco networking. Chris is a first for us as he’s Bristol Wireless’ first ever visually impaired volunteer. Although he has to date used only Windows systems, we quickly set him up with a Debian box with the Orca screen reader, which Chris will now be testing to the point of destruction (and hopefully give the chief scribe something else to write about! Ed.)
Elsewhere in the lab, Ian has been repairing some redundant laptops we’ve had lying around, so we now have a couple of laptops to augment our usual supply of refurbished computers for sale, which all run on the secure, reliable, open source Ubuntu Linux platform.