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Get IT Together in Bristol

Connecting Bristol reports that a new three-year initiative has been launched in Bristol to help local people, particularly the elderly and disabled, access the internet, learn new skills and find out more about computers and technology. The project’s called Get IT Together and will feature sessions tailored towards the learners’ own personal interests and delivered by friendly, approachable tutors.

The Project Coordinator, Marius Jennings, is working with charities, libraries, schools, community groups and agencies to see that basic IT courses are available throughout the city, with the aim of breaking down barriers to learning, strengthening community relations and helping the digitally excluded to become more included.

Marius is based at Bristol City Council’s digital agency, Connecting Bristol. Anyone interested in attending a course or becoming a volunteer tutor can write to Get IT Together, Room 404, The Council House, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. Alternatively, you can contact Marius on 07785 462568 or email marius.jennings (at)