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Internet Archive launches appeal

Internet Archive logoThe Internet Archive, the place where – inter alia – old websites go when they die (and a damned fine resource it is too!. Ed.), has launched an appeal for donations. Brewster, the Founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive, posted the following on the organisation’s blog yesterday:

Dear Supporters of the Archive,

In the last year, the number of people using the Internet Archive has increased to two million people every day, and our collections of free books, music, video, and web pages have also grown by twenty to twenty-five percent. This is great news, but we are doing it all on a shoestring budget.

This year we need your help.

In our virtual world, it is hard to see the 160 employees and countless volunteers at the Internet Archive that bring you these services, but we are here, and we are dedicated to building a global library that is free and open to all.

Please donate this year. Your continued support keeps the library free for millions of people.