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Computer classes at Kebele

keyboardOur friends at Easton’s Kebele Community Cooperative have asked us to let our readers know that they’re running a computer class starting this Friday 20th January 2012 from 6 pm to 7 pm in the Kebele Library (map).

According to the Kebele website, the tuition comprises:

Basic computer information and getting to know some of the nifty things your box of tricks can do. From managing documents and photos to emails and video calls and from creating spreadsheets and backing up data to trouble shooting and virus prevention, this class will help you lose the fear of the machine!

And now here’s the best bit: the class will be conducted on Linux machines! 🙂

Hat tip: Radio Kebele

3 Responses to Computer classes at Kebele

  1. between the lines January 18, 2012 at 1:42 pm #

    “From managing documents and photos to emails and video calls and from creating spreadsheets and backing up data to trouble shooting and virus prevention …”

    All in two hours?

    Now that is impressive. Most people would need quite a bit more for all that, wouldn’t they? … And looking at their website it’s even more amazing, as it says the course is only one hour:

    Start Time: 18:00
    Date: 2012-01-20
    End Time: 19:00

    • woodsy January 18, 2012 at 2:04 pm #

      I’ve just had a look at the Kebele site again and it looks as if the class this Friday is the first of a series, which would make sense, given the scope of what is being promised.