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Bristol Raspberry Pi Bootcamp

The BCS is collaborating with @Bristol and Bristol University to organise the Raspberry Pi Bootcamp at @Bristol, Anchor Road, Bristol BS1 5DB (map) on Saturday, 20th April 2013 from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm. This day will involve a range of activities to help the beginner get going, as well as enable the expert to share ideas with others. The activities will include:

  • a drop-in centre for those who have just got their Pi out the box but don’t know what to do next;
  • workshops on some basic applications for your Pi that you can build in 90 minutes;
  • advanced workshops to build cool applications involving LEDs and remote control cars;
  • a chance to meet experts and see what advanced applications they’ve built;
  • a chance to buy additional equipment.
image of Raspberry Pi board
Learn how to hack your Raspberry Pi

The event is free, but registration is required.

Both BCS members and non-members are welcome.

Anyone requiring additional information, please contact simon.thorp (at)

One Response to Bristol Raspberry Pi Bootcamp

  1. Chris March 6, 2013 at 1:23 pm #

    Thanks for this. Just registered. 🙂