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Update on activities since last meeting see minutes

Minutes can be found at

Training & Support

See last post –

Training will start on October 23rd, it might be an idea to incorporate a surgery night with one of the training nights to clear some of the PC boxen out of the office.

If we do this it might be a good idea also to reschedule the “Give away event” to mid January, still only 12 weeks only, and sell it as a “January Sale” where everything is free (but the wireless cards). It looks like everybody is going to be very busy up to Christmas, so we may not have the people power to do it any earlier.

Neigbourhood renewal

The spec for the nodes and equipment for recipients has almost finished being agreed, the LinuxIT people and the residents association are finalising the machines and printers/scanners, they will have Mandrake installed by LinuxIT. We will be looking at locations fairly soon (late October).

Need to appoint a 3 person (at least) steering sub-committee to co-ordinate roll out of nodes.

Next Meeting

The next Bristol Wireless meeting is supposed to be tomorrow night, but there has not been much activity or commitments to come, and we haven’t got round to doing an agenda yet. I suggest possibly changing it to a less usual time, say Saturday (11th) 5 to 7 pm at the Lab then down to Chelsea for a drink afterwards for them that want to. What do people think? Any other suggestions.