Setup of residents’ machines
On Tuesday 24 August 2004 Rich and I went to Rose Brown’s in order to set up her access point, printer & scanner; as her house is obscured from Twinell House we only suceeded in setting up her printer but we also set up her modem and a dial up account (intended to be temporary), which has yet to have KPPP set up.
On Thurs 26 Aug we attempted the same with Yasmin Rafique. In her case we set up her access point albeit with a week signal but not her printer or scanner. Rich also gave her a rudimentary introduction to the Linux & desktop.
Problems encountered were that there were five sockets were required (which were not readily available), unsuitable furniture for the machines (Health & Safety suggest a desk height and proper seating) and insufficient knowledge to configure the scanners (once done, this will be solved). Because inevitably the children are more computer literate than the adults, some nannying needs to be addressed.