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Wiltshire: rural broadband roll out denounced as a scam

Our friends at the Western Daily Press yesterday published a less than favourable account of the inadequacy of the roll-out of so-called “super fast” rural broadband, as managed by British Telecom. In a deal between Wiltshire and South Gloucester Councils, B.T. were to receive £35.6 million of government grants (our taxes) to provide 91% coverage […]

Bristol ICT Training Forum – first steps

On 9th June 2010 the inaugural meeting of the Bristol ICT Training Forum was held at Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC). The intention of which was to explore the possibility of starting an ICT training consortium, including collaborative bidding for funding. The following organisations were represented: John Sawbridge (City of Bristol), Jim Farrand (Bristol Wireless), […]

Training Course at St. Werburghs

On 29th November 2007 we will be running a beginners’ training course from 7pm – 9pm at St. Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, St. Werburghs. The course will cover logging in and out, the desktop, the file system, word processing, setting up and using web based email and surfing the World Wide Web. Bristol Wireless […]

National Deposit gets friendly with Bristol Wireless

Our thanks are due to National Deposit Friendly Society, a mutual friendly society based in Clifton and providing personal insurance and finance products, who have kindly donated a number of PC’s, laptops and printers to Bristol Wireless. They were donated due to one of their employees, Clare Stevenson, being aware of our project. She has […]

Setup of residents’ machines

On Tuesday 24 August 2004 Rich and I went to Rose Brown’s in order to set up her access point, printer & scanner; as her house is obscured from Twinell House we only suceeded in setting up her printer but we also set up her modem and a dial up account (intended to be […]

Easton Residents Network Greenhaven

After some initial problems (possibly static) affecting the access point, the installation at Greenhaven elderly residents supported accommodation is now (20/4/4) up and running. Greenhaven has two Red Hat Linux machines in a communal area wirelessly connected to Easton Community Centre. The warden, Ron Corbett, is an enthusiastic supporter of the project and is looking […]