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Knowle West Park Project

Well done Matt, Rich and Jim for doing this!

What’s the latest news, when are we going back up to see how they’re getting on and address any issues they might raise? I’ll be available next Tuesday morning if anyone wants to come with me (21st). We need at a minimum to look at teaching them about network configuration; did we bring a hub and cable up on that last visit. Also is anyone working on the child-centred software we wanted to add to the base distro?

One Response to Knowle West Park Project

  1. jim September 8, 2004 at 3:46 pm #

    Today Rich Matt and I went to Build IT, Knowle West to demonstrate to the project how to install Debian Linux (Simply Mepis), set the locales and enable the sound. We intend to return to set up a wired network, so we will find out the result of todays endevour next week. The Park are keen on the idea of LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project), nework games, structured learning and open access. They are persuinng funding to install a wireless network and have the requisite space available.