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Momentum back up to speed after the summer

With Bristol Wireless reps in attendance, the latest Connecting Bristol Momentum group meeting took place on Tuesday 13th September at the Watershed. This was the first meeting since July, when Bristol heard it had made it through to the top 10 finalists in the government’s £7 million Digital Challenge.

There is now a small team assembled at the Watershed to work on the Digital Challenge bid, including Stephen Hilton, who is on full-time secondment from the City Council. Auntie BBC on Whiteladies Road has also donated one member of its staff to help out one day a week and other roles are being filled too.

Despite the Digital Challenge’s technology aspect, Bristol’s bid differs from other contenders due to its concentration on people first and technology second. In addition, the Government’s view of the Digital Challenge has now been modified to concentrate on digital inclusion.

As a fine example of the benefits of digital inclusion, Dick Penny of the Watershed cited Bristol Wireless’ work installing an LTSP suite in Princess Royal Gardens, noting that, besides bringing the community room back into use and allowing the frail and elderly to stay in touch by email, it also saved one person a weekly trip to the betting shop due to the discovery of online betting on the gee-gees!

A full report of the meeting can be found on Connecting Bristol.