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Category Archives: Bristol Wireless Events

Events organised by or in which Bristol Wireless participates

BarnCamp burns the nerd gag

Last weekend saw the staging of BarnCamp 2015 (in which Bristol Wireless’ volunteers have been involved since its inception. Ed.). Running from Friday 19th June to Sunday 21st, BarnCamp was as usual a low-cost rural DIY skillsharing event open to everyone, including UK activists, campaigners, people involved in social and community groups and anybody else […]

Registration for Barncamp 2015 now open

Barncamp is a low-cost, rural DIY skills sharing event open to everyone, including UK activists, campaigners, people involved in social and community groups, and anybody else with an interest in technology and how to subvert it to put it to good use. All skill levels are welcome and the organisers promise that workshops are not […]

Training in the lab

Last week Bristol Wireless indulged in some internal training – something we haven’t done for a couple of years. Ably led by Ben Green and Julien Weston, Bristol Wireless volunteers are now more familiar with the ins and outs of Linux system administration, MySQL, the Puppet configuration management tool, vserver environments and web services, to […]

Details of our courses in November 2013

After our last post, about our training course coming up in November, and with the scent of knowledge ringing in their nostrils, fiery fervorousĀ  enquiries have begun streaming in. ‘What are these courses?’ ‘What the actual contents?’ they ask. To sate this need for knowledge, we’ve decided to put out some basic details of the […]

Bristol Wireless Trains Tech in late November 2013

This November Bristol Wireless is offering a week of training days in its lab at Windmill Hill City Farm, Bedminster, Bristol. One topic will be covered each day of the week of the 25-29 November and there are four places available for each topic. The course topic for each day is: Monday 25th November: Hosting […]

Barncamp 2013 – the post-match report

Yesterday, the Bristol Wireless members of the production crew returned to Bristol from this year’s Barncamp event (the fifth that has been organised. Ed.) after clearing out all the kit. Barncamp is a joint event organised by HacktionLab, Bristol Wireless and FLOSS Manuals, and has been described by our friend Charlie as follows: …hanging out […]

It’s AGM time – soon!

Wearing his company secretary’s outfit, your correspondent has just sent the following email and posted the following notice in the lab. NOTICE OF AGM The Annual General Meeting of Bristol Wireless for 2013 will be held at 4.30 pm on Tuesday 18th June 2012 in the Lab, Windmill Hill City Farm, Philip Street, Bedminster, Bristol, […]

Register for Barncamp 2013

Next month on the weekend from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th, BarnCamp 2013 – a weekend of hacktivism, workshops, entertainment, politics and fun in the sun – will be taking place. BarnCamp is three days of workshops, discussions, demos and practical how-to sessions looking at how technology can be useful (and dangerous) for campaigners, community […]

Sign up for Barncamp 2013

The email below has been posted today to the Hacktionlab mailing list. Hi All, I’m pleased to announce that the BarnCamp 2013 sign-up is now live and on-line: More information about BarnCamp on that site and at: You know what to do! šŸ™‚

NAO warns UK needs more skilled cyber-crime fighters

The BBC website posted an article today highlighting the concerns expressed in a report by the National Audit Office (NAO) that a lack of skilled workers is hampering the UK’s fight against cyber crime and that it could take up to 2 decades to fill the skills gap. The internet economy in the UK accounts […]

IRC – not just for idle chat. It’s great for meetings too

Jules, our esteemed treasurer, is currently several thousand miles away from Bristol. Nevertheless, he was able to participate in our last monthly meeting fully due to the wonders of IRC. When he’s been away before, Jules has always emailed his report. However, this time all contact was via IRC and Mr Secretary is delighted: instead […]

Reasons to be cheerful – 2 parts

2012 is fast approaching and there are two reasons for celebration in the New Year. Firstly, the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives as an acknowledgement of the fundamental role of cooperatives in promoting the socio-economic development of hundreds of millions of people and have released a little […]

It’s festive closing time (soon!)

In common with the rest of the country, we heathens at Bristol Wireless shall be taking a festive break and closing the lab. Our arrangements are as follows: we shall be closing from lunchtime on Friday 23rd December (aka beer o’clock on POETS Day. Ed.) and will re-open for business on Tuesday, 3rd January 2012. […]

Bristol Wireless reopens City Farm Computer Room

Bristol Wireless will be officially reopening the Computer Room at Windmill Hill City Farm, Philip Street, Bedminster on Thursday 21st October after a brief period of closure. To mark the reopening, we’ll be holding an open access drop-in session from 10am-4pm on that day to encourage new internet users to get online as part of […]