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Announcing Announce

As part of its continuing development, Bristol Wireless has recently reorganised its mailing lists with a new addition, which is now ready for action.

The main list, the public list for all general discussion, is still there, subscribers will notice no difference and the URLs remain the same as before:

* Main mailing list:
* Main list archive:

List admins for the main list are Ben Green and Mike Harris.

The major development is the new Announce list. This is a public list specifically for those who just want updates and news from Bristol Wireless. A mailing will be sent, for example, every time there’s a new item posted to Bristol Wireless News.

Links for the Announce list are as follows:

* Announce mailing list: Please use this link to subscribe (and let’s get this list moving!).
* Announce list archive:

The list admins for the new list are Ben Green, Mike Harris and Steve Woods.