LTSP at the Hub
On Wednesday 8th March 2007, Bristol Wireless, ably assisted by Westcom, went as exhibitors to the ICT Hub Regional Conference in Taunton for the voluntary sector. Attending as exhibitors, we took along the mobile LTSP suite (this time 12 terminals), VoIP telephones and lots of information about free and open source software and piles of Linux and open source CDs to give away.
Anyway, it proved to be a valuable day in many ways with lessons for future outings and we certainly felt our presence was worthwhile. Indeed, Rich Higgs came back with more than he left Bristol with, having won a USB pen drive in the closing feedback form raffle. A pictorial record of our visit can be seen on your correspondent’s Flickr pages.
As this piece is being drafted, moves are underway to get a presence at the national ICT Hub conference in London at the end of the month.
Great to have you there flying the flag for FOSS. Glad you found it a useful day … and as for the sneaky feedback form that snook in last and won a prize – well !!
Hope to see you in London