Bristol Wireless have been asked to have a stand at this event, any ideas what format this can take. All welcome.
Hello everyone,
Following our last Street Party meeting, it was suggested that we have a get together, photo exhibition, etc….
Well, my suggestion is – to link our get-together with the Winter Celebration and Open Day at the Community Centre (Friday 5th Dec 3-8pm).
The winter celebration is an event to celebrate all the fantastic activities and events the centre manages or supports. There will be music, activities, open ICT and Media centre, tours of the gardening projects, creche, youth activities, organic grub, bar….. etc… and also talks of a music night in the evening as a fundraiser for the centre
I was thinking that the Street Party could have a stall, exhibition and questionnaire to gauge comments/ideas/ enthusiasm for next year. Let me know who can co-ordinate this?
Put this date in your dairy and I will send you more info as it comes available.
Cheers for now
Hope you are happy and well