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Tag Archives: open access

North Somerset to provide free commuter coaches with free wifi

Today’s Bristol Post reports North Somerset commuters travelling to Bristol during November and December will be able to travel to work for free under a scheme set up by North Somerset Council and coach operator The Kings Ferry Ltd. The service will link Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead with major employment areas around Bristol, including Aztec […]

Thursday is GAAD

We learn from Accessible Bristol that tomorrow, Thursday 9th May is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). On that day people all over the world will be coming together to spread the word about accessibility and Accessible Bristol will be among them. Throughout the day the Accessible Bristol team be on Twitter answering your questions about […]

Election news – the open source angle 2: questions for the Bristol mayor

After looking over the Channel at the forthcoming Belgian local authority and provincial elections (news passim), we’re coming a bit closer to home. It cannot have escaped the attention of any Bristolian who hasn’t been in a coma for many months that an election will take place in November to select an elected mayor for […]

Bristol leads UK in work wifi use

The chief scribe has been known to sit in his local café writing posts to this blog using the establishment’s wifi whilst waiting for his full English and toast to arrive; and it seems he’s not alone. Quoting a study by Rupert Murdoch’s Sky, Bristol 24/7 reports that nearly 1 in 3 Bristolians – 31% […]

Greece: free wifi in Kozani

OSOR reports that the Greek non-profit organisation ‘Free Software / Open Source Software’ (aka Ellak, in Greek) granted the northern Greek Municipality of Kozani four wireless access points and a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) line of 24Mb down/1Mb up in the town’s Lassanis square. Furthermore, Ellak undertook the installation, configuration, operation and technical support of […]

The Mk. II cabinet arrives

Some months ago Bristol Wireless were asked by Easton Community Centre to provide some new LTSP thin clients in secure cabinets, similar to those already installed in St Werburgh’s Community Centre (news passim), whilst regular readers may recall our first post on the Mk. II cabinets. The first of the cabinets was delivered to Easton […]

Bristol’s wifi beach

Bristol’s latest summer attraction, the urban beach down on the Redcliffe stretch of the city docks (otherwise known as ‘Harbourside’ by the city’s bright young things), now has wifi thanks to Bristol Wireless. Rich Higgs writes: “Bails and I set up wireless for the urban beach project in Redcliffe last week. The opening was on […]