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Category Archives: Media and Content

News on media and content on the network

Bristol bids to host Wikimania in 2013

Wikimania is an annual international conference for users of the various projects operated by the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. Wikipedia and its sister projects). It includes presentations and discussions include Wikimedia Foundation projects, other wikis, open source software, free knowledge and free content, and the different social and technical aspects which relate to these topics. It’s […]

Yesterday’s Evening Post

Yesterday Bristol’s Evening Post, the city’s newspaper of record (really? Ed.), carried the news of Bristol Wireless’ shortlisting for the Santander Social Enterprise Awards (which were being organised locally in conjunction with the Quartet Community Foundation). We’d originally applied for the award after a report on them was spotted by a keen-eyed Bristol Wireless volunteer […]

VALO-CD Finnish free & open source goodness

We Linux users are spoilt; we benefit from using free and open source software every day. Now Windows users can once again* benefit from it more, with the launch of the VALO-CD (VALO is the Finnish acronym for Free & Open Source Software. Ed.) VALO-CD contains all the best free and open source programs for […]

FSF invites you to enter the Restricted Boot Comic Contest

Earlier today, your ‘umble correspondent (are you really a letter writer composed entirely of deer offal? Ed.😉 ) received the email below from the Free Software Foundation. In December, Microsoft apparently conceded to public pressure by quietly updating the Windows 8 logo certification requirements with a mandate that a desktop computer user must be able […]

Bristol Wireless on Techradar

Regular readers will remember that we had a visit from journalist Jonathan Edwards (news passim) which ultimately resulted in Bristol Wireless being the subject of a four-page feature in the Christmas 2011 edition (issue 158) of Linux Format (news passim). For those who did not take our above advice and go and buy that edition […]

Internet Archive launches appeal

The Internet Archive, the place where – inter alia – old websites go when they die (and a damned fine resource it is too!. Ed.), has launched an appeal for donations. Brewster, the Founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive, posted the following on the organisation’s blog yesterday: Dear Supporters of the Archive, In […]

Wikipedia connects half a billion people to UK regional museum via QR codes

So far in 2011 Wikipedians have written and translated 1,200 new articles to allow the Derby Museum & Art Gallery’s collection to be read in over a dozen languages using QRpedia codes. Derby Museum using multilingual QR codes on Vimeo. This has resulted in high search rankings for the museum and greater public engagement. Well […]

A visit from Linux Format

Yesterday the lab received a visit from Jon Roberts, a journalist from Future Publishing‘s Linux Format magazine. Linux Format’s strapline is ‘The #1 source for Linux’ and is also known as LXF. According to the latest ABC figures, LXF has a circulation 25,000 copies per issue. After a round of introductions and a cup of […]

Today is Software Freedom Day

Yes, that’s right; today lovers of free software all over the world celebrate Software Freedom Day, a global outbreak of gratitude for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Its goal is to educate the worldwide public about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home and in business; in short, […]

We’re in the latest Tuxradar podcast

Along with our friends over the road at Bristol Hackspace, Bristol Wireless gets an honourable mention in the latest Tuxradar podcast, brought to the world by Linux Format magazine. The podcast is available as both a high quality ogg or a low quality mp3. The total length of the podcast is 53:18. What’s more, we’re […]

Wildlife Wiki sessions in Bristol

Bristol is well known for its links with natural history and wildlife. The city is the home to the BBC’s Natural History Unit and Bristol Zoo is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year. To build further on this base, there’s a Wikipedia sprint coming up soon in Bristol in aid of ARKive, the organisation dedicated […]

Microsoft sends birthday video greetings to Linux

Earlier this year we reported that Linux is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year (news passim). As part of the celebrations, the Linux Foundation invited video submissions to mark this milestone. A birthday greetings video from Microsoft has now been received by the Foundation. We hope you enjoy this submission from the ‘Beast of Redmond’ […]

LTSP round-up

Earlier this week our 2 LTSP gurus, BenG and Acesabe, were busy configuring and preparing a new LTSP suite comprising some donated redundant Rock Clevo T200C laptops as the thin clients. These run on 12 volts and are being made ready for a trip to the forthcoming Barncamp 2011 up in Wye valley (news passim). […]

It’s not cricket, it’s #twicket!

The Lancashire village of Wray (population approx. 500) became a true global village on Easter Monday with a world first – the live streaming of video and audio coverage of a village cricket match over the internet. The protagonists were Wray CC* vs the Rest of the World. The result: Wray won by 1 run, […]

After Badger Cam comes Pigeon Cam

Following on from Bristol Wireless’ recent work with Secret World and their badgers and other assorted critters (news passim), news reaches the lab that our colleagues up at Knowle West Media Centre have also been getting involved with wildlife – in their case the local wood pigeon population. You can access Pigeon Cam and follow […]

Hotot Twitter client

People who know BW’s chief scribe know he’s a great fan of Twitter, the social networking and microblogging website. Over the past couple of years, he’s tried out various Linux Twitter clients, ranging from quick and dirty Python scripts for tweeting from the command line, via your conventional web browsers to dedicated social networking packages, […]

Linux is 20 this year

2011 marks the 20th birthday of Linux (or GNU/Linux if you’re a purist. Ed.) and the Linux Foundation has released the video below to mark the event. Find out more about what’s happening to celebrate 20 years of Linux and penguin-powered computing at the Linux Foundation’s dedicated 20th birthday page.