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Spain – over half of central government using open source

Cenatic reports that ONFSA – the National Observatory for Open Source Software – has published its 2011 public sector open source software use survey. According to the survey, which covered 198 central government bodies, most of Spanish central government organisations use free and/or open source software for both server and desktop systems. More specifically, 9 […]

Flossie 2012 – Submissions deadline extended to 19th March

Back in October, we gave very early notice (news passim) of the 2012 Flossie Unconference taking place in London on 25th and 26th May 2012 at Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, E1 4NS (map). News has now arrived that the submissions deadlines has been extended to 19th March 2012 and further details […]

Latest CiviCRM release – now with WordPress integration

The latest release (version 4.1.1) of CiviCRM, the open source customer relationship management (CRM) system for non-profits, NGOs and advocacy organisations, now features integration for WordPress, in addition to its traditional integration for the Joomla and Drupal content management systems. Read the original release announcement. It looks as if there’s going to be plenty to […]

Denmark’s Transport Ministry moves to LibreOffice

Denmark’s Transport Ministry has moved to the open source LibreOffice productivity suite as part of a package changes intended to help it save DKr. 1.5 mn. per year on its IT costs. However, a spokesman for the Ministry has stated that cost was not the primary consideration for the move. It was instead prompted by […]

The Company Secretary writes

When he’s not keeping the news section of the website refreshed, the chief scribe also acts as Bristol Wireless’ Company Secretary and in that role has just circulated the message below to members via our mailing lists. Hi all One of my duties as company secretary is to keep the shareholders’ register up to date. […]

Bristol’s Jo Reid announced as finalist in the National Everywoman in Technology Awards

Courtesy of Bristol Girl Geek Dinners, we learn that Bristol’s Jo Reid – a Bristol Girl Geek Dinners member, has been announced as finalist in the Innovators category of the National Everywoman in Technology Awards. The award winners will be announced on 29th March. Jo is part of Calvium, who are based in Bristol’s Pervasive […]

VALO-CD Finnish free & open source goodness

We Linux users are spoilt; we benefit from using free and open source software every day. Now Windows users can once again* benefit from it more, with the launch of the VALO-CD (VALO is the Finnish acronym for Free & Open Source Software. Ed.) VALO-CD contains all the best free and open source programs for […]

FSF invites you to enter the Restricted Boot Comic Contest

Earlier today, your ‘umble correspondent (are you really a letter writer composed entirely of deer offal? Ed.😉 ) received the email below from the Free Software Foundation. In December, Microsoft apparently conceded to public pressure by quietly updating the Windows 8 logo certification requirements with a mandate that a desktop computer user must be able […]

LibreOffice conference to be held in Berlin

It’s been announced today on The Document Foundation’s blog that Berlin in Germany will host this year’s LibreOffice Conference. The Document Foundation members jointly decided on the location for their conference in a public poll that closed last week, whose result has been announced with the above-mentioned blog post. In the end, it was a […]

Open source is of better quality than proprietary software

The H-Online reports that Coverity’s latest Coverity Scan Open Source Report has found that the quality of open source code is equal to, or even better than that of proprietary software. All told, Coverity analysed over 37 million lines of code from 45 of the most active open source projects of 2011 and also examined […]

Wikimedia UK Annual Conference and AGM announced

Earlier this week, the chief scribe received a cunning invitation by email to attend the Annual Conference and AGM of Wikimedia UK, the local UK chapter that supports the work of Wikipedia, the world’s largest open source project. This year, the date will be 12th May and the venue London’s Science Museum. To quote from […]

Bristol BCS Spring School

The Bristol Branch of the BCS is holding a comprehensive series of talks during March on Cloud Computing (aka ‘Fog Computing’ amongst cynics. Ed. 😉 ). The talks will be held at the City of Bristol College in the centre of Bristol. To attend, you’ll have to register and pay. To quote from Bristol BCS: […]

Rotterdam mental health provider implements 290 user LTSP suite

EZPress (Dutch) and Joinup report that at the end of last year Rotterdam mental health provider Riagg Rijnmond replaced its ageing proprietary desktop systems with a 290 user LTSP thin client system based on Xubuntu (that’s Ubuntu coupled with the XFCE window manager. Ed.). Riagg Rijnmond was previously using a Citrix-based thin client system, but […]

Greece: open source computer lab donated to children’s centre

Greeklug, the Greek free software advocacy group, has donated a free and open source software computer lab to a children’s shelter in the village of Filyro, north of Thessaloniki, Joinup reports. Apart from providing installation and hardware, the group is also organising training courses for the children. “We contacted the orphanage, offering our expertise, our […]

Coming soon – Bath Digital Festival

12 miles down the road from Bristol, the first ever Bath Digital Festival is taking place at various venues around the city next month from 15th to 25th. Bath Digital Festival brings together an array of exciting events that will allow people to explore Bath’s thriving digital scene and get involved in a variety of […]

Walmart Brazil – the best place to buy a Linux box online?

One the frequent criticisms made by lovers of free and open source operating systems is the great difficulty of buying hardware either with Linux pre-installed or that doesn’t involve paying the ‘Microsoft Tax‘ (i.e. a common complaint from those who want to purchase a computer without a copy of Windows pre-installed and without paying extra […]

Bristol Dorkbot next Tuesday

After this week’s Botlab AGM (news passim), this coming Tuesday sees the celebration of February’s Dorkbot meeting. According to the Bristol Dorkbot site, all are welcome to come along whether that’s to say hello or bring along any project you would like to show and tell. Dorkbot is held at the Pervasive Media Studio’s new […]

WindowMaker desktop manager development resumes

When the chief scribe first starting using Linux regularly some years ago, he ventured slightly further than the usual Gnome and KDE desktops, occasionally getting to grips with the slightly more esoteric WindowMaker window manager. Slashdot now reports that a new team of developers has recently resumed development of WindowMaker. The new development team has […]