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New CiviCRM versions released

The CiviCRM blog reports that CiviCRM 3.4.4 and 4.0.4 have just been released and both are available for download. This release offers several important improvements to permissioning, helping to harden systems. The developers recommend an immediate upgrade to benefit from the new release’s improvements. The new releases can also be tried on the public demos: […]

Hungarian government to adopt Open Document format

OSOR reports that the Hungarian government wants to use the Open Document Format, an open, non-proprietary format for electronic documents, as a default for its documents. Zsolt Nyitrai, Minister of State for ICT, told parliament earlier this month that legislation to use ODF by default is being prepared. The ODF plans were announced on 1st […]

AVM vs Cybits: A small computer is still a computer, says the FSFE

Yesterday in Berlin a court hearing took place in a case that could set a crucial precedent for the embedded industry. In the lawsuit between AVM and Cybits, AVM maintained that others should not be allowed to modify free software on computers bought from AVM, such as the widely used Fritz!Box. At the heart of […]

A trip to BarnCamp 2011

On Monday the advance crew – by now known as the tat-down team and consisting mostly of Bristol Wireless volunteers – arrived back tired but satisfied from the rural Barncamp site up the Wye Valley. Our journey began the previous Wednesday afternoon, when the advance crew got to site after a frantic best part of […]

Tunisia launches Taskforce Opensource

The Free Software Unit of the Secretariat of State for Technology of Tunisia’s Ministry of Industry and Technology has launched Taskforce Opensource, an initiative aimed at fostering the adoption and implementation of open source in Tunisia. The site’s home page states: This collaborative space is designed to collate your proposals and your comments on many […]

The end of open source down the Counts Louse?

The UK public sector has been characterised as an impregnable fortress as far as open source software is concerned. While public sector bodies in other countries are adopting open source (news passim), the British public sector is a virtual closed shop for advocates of openness (in terms of software). This dire situation has been further […]

Allergy warning: may contain traces of GNU

It has long been the habit of purists (don’t you mean pedants? Ed.), such as rms, to correct those who call our favourite operating system Linux by reminding them that it should actually be termed GNU/Linux as it’s actually the GNU operating system with Linus Torvalds‘ Linux kernel. So, like me, you might have been […]

Public internet access – Albany (OR) has lessons for Bristol UK

Public internet access in libraries is a well established service nowadays. Indeed it’s been in existence here in Bristol for so long that one hardly ever gives it a thought. However, the other day Jules, the Bristol Wireless Treasurer, emailed the chief scribe with a tale from Albany in Oregon, where he’s currently sojourning. Jules […]

CRM summit in London soon

Our friends at Circle Interactive report that on 7th June LASA will be hosting a head-to-head comparison of 3 database software systems, featuring an in-depth analysis of the facilities of each. The Circle article continues: This is an ideal opportunity for any organisation, who [sic] is considering investing in a complete CRM system, to compare […]

Barncamp – a reminder

Yesterday adelayde wrote to the Hacktionlab mailing list with a reminder about the forthcoming Barncamp 2011 (news passim). Hi 2010 Barncamper! You’re probably already aware that we are running BarnCamp again this year, in three weeks time, but as I wasn’t sure everyone was on the mailing list, I’ve decided to send this out the […]


Just after your correspondent had published yesterday’s LTSP round-up post (news passim), Acesabe got busy with his Twitter client, tweeting: #LTSP 4.2 & 5 running as #vserver clients on host laptop, old lappers get to live another day! He also posted the picture below online at Twitpic. The hands on the keyboard on the far […]

The pizza box laptop

Bristol Wireless are advocates of green ICT and constantly urge people to refurbish and re-use hardware where possible before recycling or buying new kit. Nevertheless, we were most intrigued to come across the laptop in a pizza box illustrated below – a fine example of recycling both consumer electronics and disposable food packaging. Eagle-eyed Linux […]

LTSP round-up

Earlier this week our 2 LTSP gurus, BenG and Acesabe, were busy configuring and preparing a new LTSP suite comprising some donated redundant Rock Clevo T200C laptops as the thin clients. These run on 12 volts and are being made ready for a trip to the forthcoming Barncamp 2011 up in Wye valley (news passim). […]

Online chat with Plod tonight for Southville residents

The Bristol Evening Post reports that residents of Southville, Bristol, will have a chance to talk to PC Nigel Ingram, their local beat manager in the Southville area, tonight between 7pm and 8.30pm in an online webchat this evening. To discuss any local policing issues and concerns with PC Ingram visit

Ukgov talks the talk, but can it walk the walk?

Today the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne MP, is speaking at Google Zeitgeist 2011. As a matter of fact, he’s not just giving any old speech, but the event’s keynote address. HM Treasury has very kindly released the Chancellor’s speech in advance and it does make very interesting reading indeed. Perusing the speech, your […]