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Support ending for Ubuntu 8.04

The H Open reports today that the desktop version of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS has now officially reached its end of life. From 12 May 2011 (yesterday), no new updates, including security updates and critical fixes, will be available. The server edition of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS will continue to be supported until May 2013. Users of […]

A heartening open source story

Yesterday the chief scribe was scrolling through his Twitter feed when up popped the following tweet from Mark Taylor, CEO of Sirius IT: Our newest recruit, Linda, in Admin and Finance, had never used an Open Source desktop before yesterday. She’s not noticed a difference yet. A further tweet from Mark revealed that Linda assumed […]

The Bento Box laptop

Don’t ever let anyone convince you that techies survive on pizza, coffee and various flavours of ethyl alcohol. Here at Bristol Wireless, some of us are also great aficionados of Japanese food. Hence we were very interested by the announcement of the Bento Box laptop. To quote from Yanko Design’s original post… Bento is quite […]

Ubuntu Open Week – another IRC teach-in

Your ‘umble scribe picked his title ih haste, as it’s actually a series of teach-ins. 😉 Ubuntu Open Week is currently underway from Mon 2 May – Fri 6 May on IRC in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat between 14.00 and 18.00 hrs UTC. In just 7 years, Ubuntu has become one of the world’s most popular […]

Debian Women & OpenHatch package rebuilding tutorials on IRC

Are you enthusiastic about Debian and thinking about contributing? If yes, then the Debian Women project and the OpenHatch project want to teach you the basics. They’ll be will be holding an IRC event on Saturday 7th May to help people that want to compile their first Debian package from source, and apply their first […]

GNOME Outreach Programme for Women Attracts Many New Contributors

Yesterday the Gnome Project announced that the GNOME 3.0 release (as used in the latest Ubuntu release, now imminent, codenamed ‘Natty Narwhal’. Ed.) has attracted far more contributions from women than any previous GNOME release. This results largely from the hard work of the first round of the Outreach Programme for Women interns, who took […]

Book your place for BarnCamp 2011

Yesterday, adelayde posted the following email to the Hacktionlab mailing list. Hi all, Am very pleased to announce that the booking system is now on-line at: If you’re intending to come please get on over there and book as soon as possible to secure your place. There are limited places this year as there […]

It’s not cricket, it’s #twicket!

The Lancashire village of Wray (population approx. 500) became a true global village on Easter Monday with a world first – the live streaming of video and audio coverage of a village cricket match over the internet. The protagonists were Wray CC* vs the Rest of the World. The result: Wray won by 1 run, […]

Volunteer at Trinity Community Arts

Our friend Emma Harvey (a fine exponent of singing the ‘Free Software Song‘. Ed.) at Trinity Community Arts has sent out an email today to let people know Trinity is looking for volunteers to assist in developing its work. Amongst the types of volunteers wanted, we noticed the following: IT Assistant to help us build […]

After Badger Cam comes Pigeon Cam

Following on from Bristol Wireless’ recent work with Secret World and their badgers and other assorted critters (news passim), news reaches the lab that our colleagues up at Knowle West Media Centre have also been getting involved with wildlife – in their case the local wood pigeon population. You can access Pigeon Cam and follow […]

Hotot Twitter client

People who know BW’s chief scribe know he’s a great fan of Twitter, the social networking and microblogging website. Over the past couple of years, he’s tried out various Linux Twitter clients, ranging from quick and dirty Python scripts for tweeting from the command line, via your conventional web browsers to dedicated social networking packages, […]

Happy birthday FTP

The Register reports that File Transfer Protocol (FTP) celebrates its 40th anniversary this weekend. FTP itself was initially proposed by MIT‘s Abhay Bhushan in April 1971 for transferring large files over ARPANet, the forerunner to today’s internet. However, it still has its uses, unlike some earlier protocols (gopher anyone? Ed.), and its future looks assured. […]

WikiConference UK 2011 in Bristol this coming weekend

Bristol has become a hotbed of activity in recent times for all things related to Wikipedia and Wikimedia UK. In May 2010 Bristol opened its arms to delegates from various Wikimedia chapters from around the world (news passim). In February this year the city welcomed Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, who gave a talk at the […]

Advance notice – UWE’s 5th Linux Boot Camp is coming in June

News arrives at the Lab that our friends at UWE are organising the 5th annual run of their popular Linux Boot Camp on 20th and 21st June this year. Linux Boot Camp is aimed primarily at people who’ ve done their A levels and might be going on to do something IT-related in further or […]

Linux is 20 this year

2011 marks the 20th birthday of Linux (or GNU/Linux if you’re a purist. Ed.) and the Linux Foundation has released the video below to mark the event. Find out more about what’s happening to celebrate 20 years of Linux and penguin-powered computing at the Linux Foundation’s dedicated 20th birthday page.

A short service announcement

Netsight, who connect the Bristol Wireless network to the internet have informed us that they’ll be doing a set of upgrades to the mains and high-voltage power infrastructure around the precinct in central Bristol where its Datacentre is located this coming Saturday, 9th April 2011. Netsight therefore asks all customers (including us) to assume that […]

What to do with Linux when the cows come home

If someone asked you what you would do with Linux when the cows come home, would your answer be: “Milk them”? If so, you can go to the top of the class; and no, don’t let the proximity of April 1st lull into a sense of incredulity. Agricultural equipment manufacturer DeLaval makes a robotic milking […]

Many happy returns FSFE

News arrives that the Free Software Foundation Europe is 10 years old this month. This is a good age to start celebrating according to our sources. Consequently, FSFE is organising a small party in Berlin this evening at C-Base, Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin. All free software supporters are invited and those coming along are asked […]