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Tag Archives: networking

Bristol Uni researches efficient distributed quantum computing

Many groups of research scientists around the world are trying to build a quantum computer to run algorithms that take advantage of the strange effects of quantum mechanics such as entanglement and superposition. A quantum computer could solve problems in chemistry by simulating many body quantum systems, or break modern cryptographic schemes by quickly factorising […]

Human population soon to be outnumbered by its mobile devices

One of the major developments of recent years has been the growth in mobile internet-capable devices and a new mobile traffic forecast update by Cisco now predicts that the human population of planet Earth will be outnumbered by internet-connected mobile devices – smartphones, laptops and tablets – by the end of the current year. That […]

2 TBit/s over Vodafone’s German backbone

While the UK government is content with ensuring UK ‘broadband’ customers are guaranteed a modest 2 MB/s over their domestic connections, news arrives of blistering data transmission rates being achieved in Germany. IT news site Heise Online reports today that the Chinese network technology group Huawei and the ISP Vodafone have been able to transmit […]

Mansfield funding free wifi project through “crowdfunding”

A project to provide the town centre of Mansfield in Nottinghamshire with free wifi is on track to meet its target fund after setting out to be “crowdfunded”, according to an E-Government Bulletin report. The “Make Mansfield Your HotSpot” project has been developed by Mansfield Business Improvement District, a partnership between the council and the […]

“I had that there wifi in the cab once!”

London’s classic black cabs will be able to offer free wifi access to passengers in the New Year after Transport for London (TfL) approved a project run by Tech City start-up EyeTease Media to provide in-vehicle connectivity according to technology news website V3. The system, called CabWifi, will allow passengers 15 minutes of free wireless […]

Snooper’s Charter – rumours that Parliament is not impressed

IT news website The Register reports today that the joint parliamentary committee scrutinising the government’s draft Communications Data Bill – also known as the Snooper’s Charter (news passim) – will publish its report tomorrow. It is believed that most of the committee’s members felt the Home Office had failed to make a convincing case for […]

Now we are ten

About this time 10 years ago, Bristol Wireless made its initial tentative appearance online. The very first item we posted online was the holding page (complete with the obligatory typo! Ed.) in the image below. The image comes courtesy of’s Wayback Machine, which regularly trawls the web to archive its constantly changing face. The […]

Public transport wifi news

Courtesy of Mr Treasurer’s Twitter feed, we’ve just come across the following small item of good news news for rail travellers. UK train operator Greater Anglia is working with The Cloud to introduce free Wi-Fi at 100 stations. — Railway Gazette (@railwaygazette) November 26, 2012 Greater Anglia provides rail services in the East of England […]

Connect St Helena

In terms of world history, not a lot happens on remote Saint Helena. According to Wikipedia, St Helena “is one of the most isolated places in the world, located in the South Atlantic Ocean more than 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) from the nearest major landmass. The nearest port on the continent is Namibe in Southern […]

Nominet consults on shorter .uk domain

If you own or are thinking of getting a domain name ending in .uk, this consultation could be of interest to you. Nominet, the organisation that controls the .uk domain, is holding a three month consultation about the potential introduction of a new service known as, which would be specifically designed for businesses which […]

Geo Networks and B4RN bring world class broadband to rural UK

Today Geo Networks Ltd (“Geo”), a leading fibre network provider, announced a ground-breaking project with Broadband for the Rural North (B4RN, pronounced barn), a not-for-profit, community-led organisation. Geo will support B4RN in delivering world class internet services to rural areas, such as Lancashire’s the Forest of Bowland and the Lune Valley. Geo will provide vital […]

First Great Western to launch free wifi on Cotswolds services

Train operator First Great Western (shouldn’t that be “alleged” train operator? Ed.) has announced that it will be trialling free wifi on trains running between London Paddington and the Cotswolds. The wifi will be installed on five Class 180 trains as part of a series of reliability and comfort modifications. FGW’s Managing Director Mark Hopwood […]

We’ve been working somewhere secret

Regular readers will recall that we paid a site visit to Somerset wildlife sanctuary Secret World a couple of weeks ago (news passim) to do a survey for some networking they wanted doing. Bristol Wireless’ Rich and Acesabe paid a return visit earlier today to carry out the actual work. It’s worth mentioning here that […]

What has the EU ever done for us? Released a DNS server as open source!

We learn from Joinup that Yadifa, the DNS server developed to administer the .eu top level domain (TLD), has been released as open source by Eurid, the not-for-profit organisation which manages the .eu domain registry. Eurid uses Yadifa alongside Bind, one of two other commonly used open source DNS systems. Yafida was published officially on […]

Bristol leads UK in work wifi use

The chief scribe has been known to sit in his local café writing posts to this blog using the establishment’s wifi whilst waiting for his full English and toast to arrive; and it seems he’s not alone. Quoting a study by Rupert Murdoch’s Sky, Bristol 24/7 reports that nearly 1 in 3 Bristolians – 31% […]

A special offer for Bristolians

TCP/IP is the open framework that makes the internet work. Of that framework, we’d like to draw your attention today to the IP bit. IP stands for Internet Protocol, of course (and not Intellectual Property address, as once written by the Digital Britain Minister in the last government. Ed.), and every device connecting to a […]