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Category Archives: Bristol Wireless Events

Events organised by or in which Bristol Wireless participates

Weekend networking

It’s before 10 am on a Saturday morning and there’s a dozen or so Bristol Wireless folks huddled together in Hamilton House. Besides amazement at our weekend early rising proclivities, readers are probably wondering if this gathering served some useful purpose; and of course it did – we’d all come together for a day’s networking […]

Hacktionlab 2009 – a call to hacktion

Following on from the two successful gatherings to date – a rural hack meeting in the Wye Valley in June 2008 (news passim) and an urban one in Leeds in October 2008 – HacktionLab is pleased to announce its next rural gathering will be taking place between Thursday 11th and Sunday 14th June 2009 and […]

A date for your diaries – Nowtopia

At 6 pm on Friday 3rd April, Bristol Wireless is jointly hosting a talk entitled Nowtopia at St Werburghs Community Centre (map here) in conjunction with our friends from Bristol Radical History Group and Bristol Anarchist Bookfair. The event will be of interest to radical historians and futurists, permaculturalists, free-skillers, open sourcerers, class warriors, transition […]

Come and test your geek knowledge

Instead of the traditional Christmas-time office booze-up, Bristol Wireless is organising something slightly different this year: we’re putting on a geek quiz night as a fundraiser. Details are as follows: Venue: St Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, BS2 9TJ; Date and time: Friday 19th December at 7pm; Team size: 4-6 persons; Entry fee: £2.50 per […]

Bristol Wireless gets reading

The weekend after next, on Saturday 13th September, Bristol’s first anarchist bookfair for 15 years will be held at St Werburgh’s Community Centre in Horley Road (home of the Bristol Wireless lab) and we’ll be there! We’ll be out in the foyer, keeping company with the bookfair itself, the Kebele Cafe and a constantly running […]

Attending a call to Hacktion!

Bristol Wireless is pleased to be taking part in HacktionLab, which takes place on the 13th, 14th and 15th June at Stepping Stones Housing Co-operative, Highbury Farm in the Wye Valley. HacktionLab aims to be a rural weekend of workshops and gathering together for nerds, hackers and activists to get together and exchange ideas and […]

The Virtual Commons Night @ St Werburghs CC Sunday 11th May

Bristol Wireless are hosting an evening of radical geekery at St Werburghs Centre (Horley Road) on Sunday 11th May from 5.30pm. You’re invited to try out some of the excellent projects they’ve been developing with free software and discarded computer kit, listen to talks on the rise of the Creative Commons movement, learn about the […]

Digital inclusion – reaching the unreachable…

Digital Inclusion Conference, The Brewery, London, Tuesday 30 April 08 Only two-thirds of people go online in the UK. The remaining third don’t use the internet at all. That’s 17 million people who are ‘digitally excluded’. This conference set out to address this remaining third. The government are so keen to address this issue that […]

Making (radical) history

A date for your diaries: on Sunday 11th May next, Bristol Wireless will be hosting an event entitled ‘The Virtual Commons’ at St Werburghs Community Centre. It will form part of Bristol Radical History Group’s forthcoming ‘Down With The Fences’ programme, which runs from Thursday May 1st to Sunday May 11th 2008. The fortnight of […]

Training Course at St. Werburghs

On 29th November 2007 we will be running a beginners’ training course from 7pm – 9pm at St. Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, St. Werburghs. The course will cover logging in and out, the desktop, the file system, word processing, setting up and using web based email and surfing the World Wide Web. Bristol Wireless […]

What’s happening? Read your crystal balls!

Our correspondent in a field in Cullompton writes: Bristol Wireless’ old friends, the Easton Cowboys, have all deserted their usual Bristol haunts (including the Plough and other watering holes, green flat places suited to the beautiful game and the like) and toddled to Cullompton, where they’re camping and playing football on the edge of the […]

Festival time

Festival time is upon us again: we’ve already had the quagmire of Glastonbury and last weekend saw the delights of Womud. Coming up this week is the Big Green Gathering, where Bristol Wireless are once again providing internet access, using renewable energy. A full report will follow after the event, even if yours truly has […]

An evening of Cubism

On Sunday, 16th June Bristol Wireless held a wee celebration at Bristol’s Cube Microplex to mark the entry into its 6th year of operations (news passim). The event itself was preceded by Bristol Wireless’ AGM (over in a very acceptable 35 minutes!) and preparations for opening the doors to the public at 5 pm-ish; audio […]

Now we are six… nearly

Bristol Wireless warmly invites all interested in its work and free/open source software to the Cube Cinema in Dove Street on Sunday, 17th June to celebrate more than 5 years’ activities in Bristol. Starting at 5 pm, Bristol Wireless will be showing all aspects of its work, including historic video footage of past achievements, the […]

BW network streams Venn Festival all over the place

Mike Harris writes: Did you know that Bristol Wireless is involved in a project called XtreamLab along with Psand, Micro-Film and the Venn Festival organisers? As part of the project we’re streaming 3 events for 3 days during Bristol’s Venn Festival and have a nice new website where you can find details, plus information on […]